As you may be aware China has reported its first positive case of Coronavirus and a few more people have been quarantined. It is imperative we all observe necessary precautions to minimise the risk to self and each other's health.

6 simple tips to be followed - 

1. Wash/sanitise your hands frequently; especially after touching surfaces that are known to carry germs such as door handles, currency notes, washroom faucets etc.

2. Wear a mask while commuting to minimise the risk of catching infection from others - this is particularly applicable if you commute via public transport including cabs and autos.

3. No handshakes for few days

4. Avoid visiting crowded places (markets, restaurants etc.) unless absolutely necessary.

5. Avoid touching your eyes, noses, mouth; especially with unwashed hands.

6. If you develop a cold, cough or flu like symptoms - please get yourself tested at the earliest and take work from home/leaves till you fully recover.

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